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The Kia EV3 will have over 300 miles of range and a ChatGPT-like AI assistant

White Kia EV3 compact SUV with front plate that says GT-line
Kia’s Soul-ful EV designs continue. | Image: Kia

Kia introduced the finalized version of its EV3 small electric SUV today, and with it comes a big new feature: AI.

The vehicle was first introduced as a futuristic concept vehicle last year, and now it will launch in South Korea this July, followed by Europe in the second half of the year. Kia representative Karla Gonzalez tells The Verge that EV3 is also confirmed for the US — but there’s no timing announced.

The EV3 will be the first production EV to get Kia’s voice-activated AI assistant that first popped up in the Kia K4. TechCrunch reports the assistant “is built off ChatGPT” but is heavily modified to let users plan trips, find entertainment, and more, according to Kia’s head of customer experience design, Pablo Martinez Masip….

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